H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, the Crown Prince of Dubai & Chairman of Dubai Sports Council, has issued Resolution No. 3 – 2017, regarding the formation of the Board of Dubai Club for People of Determination, to be chaired by Mr. ThaniJumaBelRaqad. The Resolution states that the Club’s Board consists of six qualified members; these are: Mr. Mohammed Abdul KarimJalfar, Mr. Abdul Rahman Mohammed Al-Shared, Mr. Huraiz Al-Mur Bin Huraiz, Mr. Hamad Mohammed Al-Falahi, Mr. Hassan Abdulla Al-Mazroe& Ms. Mona Khalifa Bin Hammad.
The First Article of the Resolution stipulates that the tenure of the Board is four years, starting as of the date of the formation of the Club’s Board. The Second Article deals with the relation between the Club & DSC, referring that the Club’s Board to run its works according to DSC’s directives & legislations and as per any other regulations valid in the Emirate of Dubai.